Dear Colleagues and Friends

I am pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for the 4th “Metrology for Meteorology and Climate – MMC
2023 international conference.
The Conference will be held at the Castle of Stupinigi in Torino, Italy on 25-29 September 2023 and will
bring an opportunity to present and discuss research, studies, technological innovation, projects and
activities aimed at improving our capabilities to measure and understand Earth meteorology and climate.
International peer reviewed journals will be selected for publishing conference papers, which will be accepted until after the conference.
Contributions are welcome on the following topics related to meteorology and climate:

Traceability and uncertainty
Ground based systems.
Upper air measurements.
Ocean research
Water, water vapour, liquid water, ice, hygrometry, soil moisture.
– Historical data.
Thermal and chemical metrology
Instruments, calibration, best practice and regulations.
Climate Reference Stations

The call for papers is open until 31 May 2023 15 June 2023 and submissions can be made using the form below

Waiting to meet you all in Torino in September 2023.

Andrea Merlone


Send Abstract
Short presentation replaces the poster session, as a 3-min, max 5-slide presentation.
(max 400 words)
Multipe choices possible